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R&D Project Incentives

Through FasterCapital model we can become your co-funder and co-founder.R&D projects are supported by different national and international funds at very high rates as grants and/or interest-free loans. Istanbul Consulting Group analyzes the R&D projects based on the evaluation criteria of the source of the companies.Grant supports are mostly provided by TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB within the scope of the National Industrial R&D Projects Support Program. In addition, many other national and international grants and loans granted by the support are creating opportunities for our firms.

R&D Center Establishment

The R&D Center is organized in the same building or the same campus, with sufficient R&D capability, employing at least 15 full time equivalent R&D personel, organized exclusively in domestic research and development activities within the organizational structure of the organization.

EU Supports

The European Commission, the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Program, aims to strengthen research, encourage innovation, and facilitate the funding of scientists and SMEs and large-scale industrial companies for EU funded projects.

Supported Project Expenditures:
• Personnel Expenses
• Travel Expenses
• Equipment Expenses
• Consumable Expenditures
• Subcontracting Expenses
• Indirect Costs

Investment Incentive Certificate

- The preparation of the economic and technical feasibility of the investments the companies will make,
- Regulation of the application file of the Investment Incentive Certificate, application to the General Directorate of Foreign Investment and Incentive Implementation,
- Revocation of investment incentive documents & Applications for the tax office,
- To calculate the necessary tax reductions in order to utilize the incentives in a timely and effective manner.

Techno Center and TTO Services

Technology development zones and technology free zones companies operating under the scope of R & D provide big financial advantages. Consultants need to be consulted in order to keep the companies from scratch in these regions and / or to open a new branch. We provide the following services
- Application Preparation and Application Activities
- R & D Consultancy Activities
- Technical Support Activities
- Financial Structuring Activities
- Tax Planning and Management Activities

Financial Audit & Sworn Financial Consulting Services

Providing the sustainability of R&D, design, software projects and activities which are prepared professionally to benefit from the incentive and support elements the most effective way. We provide services with our solution partners, which are expert in R&D and innovation finance applications, with the current legislation of the applications required by the R&D and innovation ecosystem carried out by the firms & the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Finance


Sales and Personal Competence Trainings:
1. Effective Communication Skills
2. Subconscious Marketing Strategies
3. Guerilla Marketing Strategies
4. Sales Team Management

Efficiency & Profitability Trainings:
1. Profitability Raising and Cost Reduction Techniques
2. Executive Development Program
3. Customer Satisfaction

Finance and Analysis Trainings:
1. Merchandising and Retailing Mathematics
2. Financing for Managers
3. Finance Mathematics in Excel
4. Financial Analysis and Excel Applications

Innovation Management and Re-organization

Under today's competitive conditions, companies that do not conduct R & D activities within their capabilities or who do not have R & D work within their strategies are increasingly losing their chances of survival and profitability. Istanbul Consulting Group is also leading the way in order to prevent this situation, establishing R & D culture, teaching innovation and benefiting companies advantages of R & D. The İstanbul Consulting Group is responsible for establishing R & D departments or conducting a performance analysis of existing R & D activities in a systematic structure.

ICG R&D and Innovation Academy

R&D and Innovation Academy designed for SMEs and large companies is an education and application center that improves companies' innovation capability and R&D capacity. The goal of this center is to increase competitiveness, create value-added projects and companies open to innovation.
Our members enrolled at the academy go through these stages: Analysis, Training, Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting,Re-Analysis
R&D Management, Innovation Strategies, Project management,Business Canvas

Ministry of Economy (Export) Supports


Techo Investment Supports

Technological Product Investment Support Program provided by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology is provided as non-refundable under the support program and the upper limits of support are determined as 2 million TL in large enterprises and 10 million TL in medium and small enterprises. Technological Product Investment Support Program, which is launched under the name Tekno-Yatırım, which aims to bring economies by commercializing R&D results, aims to provide direct grant support, credit interest and business support to the firm.

Kosgeb Supports

KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organization) is established to increase competitiveness and technological levels, to increase the contribution of economy and activities, to provide access to information, to provide solutions to financial difficulties and to support new entrepreneurs. The biggest problem of SMEs, which constitute about 99% of our national economy, is the problem of financing. KOSGEB offers a solution to this problem by distributing approximately 300M TL to SME's with the support it has prepared in the new period. It is very important to act quickly to benefit from these supports and to receive your share. Within this scope, all file preparation, reporting and presentation activities and application execution procedures are given by İstanbul Consulting Group.

Development Agency Supports

Development Agencies are development units which have a technical and financing mechanism at the national level under the coordination of the DPT and operate as high, non-implementing but supporting, coordinators and catalysts with technical capacity. 26 regional development agencies was established covering 81 provinces in Turkey. Grants are awarded in programs up to 75%. with Turkey's regional development agencies established in the various regions, it is given sectoral or generic incentives. Istanbul Consulting Group provides services in different cities of USA & Turkey, in areas of development agencies, in the incentives provided by the development agency offers consulting services.

University-Industry Cooperation

It is in the mission of our company to develop university-industry business cooperation with concrete examples. The joint educational agreement with TOBB University of Economics and Technology is important proof. In this context, the companies that are suitable for the İstanbul Consulting Group infrastructure but do not have R & D project ideas are able to find commercializable project ideas with our academic adviser pool formed at the universities.
Istanbul Consulting Group University-Industry Cooperation Model:
Operational Convenience,Expert Contacts,Legal Procedures,Project Supports and Prestige and Speed

R&D Project Development, Preparation of R&D Investment Feasibility and FasterCapital Support

R&D projects are supported by different national and national funds at very high rates as grants and / or interest-free loans. In order for companies to benefit from these supports, it is absolutely necessary for companies to have R&D projects. Istanbul Consulting Group directly supports the development of the R&D Project by evaluating the project and company infrastructure. The main services in this context are;
Evaluation of Projects,SWOT Analysis,Market Survey,Technology Research,Establishment of Research Team,Project Planning and Creation of the Project Proposal Document